Chez Terez Adornments

Oct 19, 2010

Dangerous curves ahead

Good news bear pin cushion
....I have a secret. I am not a very good seamstress. Yet.

I am afraid of curves! Zippers=nail biting. Buttonholes: I can barely type the word.

This must be remedied.

Ever since I learned to sew, I've only worked on projects with straight seams: totes, napkins, table runners, pillow tops, quilt blocks. I tried making a curvy, ruffly apron, but my fabric kept getting away from me and I didn't like it thank-you-very-much.

My sewing teacher, Miriam, told me I needed to stop over-correcting, that it was like steering a car: a little goes a long way. Guess what? Living and working in Boston, I don't drive!

So I packed away the dreaded apron; it's still balled up in my sewing bag. I am sad I ruined so much Anna Maria Horner fabric trying to make it.

But, I am determined to change. I want this year to be a handmade Christmas. And I really, really, really pretty please want to make my flock of nephews (four!) and niece (one!) something soft and cuddly this year that could also be an ornament. I remembered some cute little bears Mamacat used to sew for her nieces and newphews around the holiday. I called her up:

"Mamacat. When you come to visit me, could you bring me that little bear pattern?"

She couldn't find it. But she did bring an old prototype and we made up our own pattern:

Reverse of good news bear

These are attempts seven, eight and nine. My own three little bears. Not perfect yet, but that's why I love them. And I am getting much better at the curves. Stay tuned!

XO Terez

Three little good news bears


  1. all three are perfect* love 'em! xox

  2. Thank you! It's already time for us to go back to the fabric store ;)

  3. I LOVE these! Makes me wish that I could sew (almost) just so I could use one!

  4. I remember those bears from childhood! You've got a talent! Don't give up!!! I'm loving the warm Christmas memories right now! Love you!
