Chez Terez Adornments

Oct 25, 2010


The fiddling pirate
 Today I met with my dear friend and design guru Cal K. [Stay tuned, I think I will be interviewing her for a guest Q&A with Chez Terez soon] at Borders for cafe and catch up.

When she unwrapped her coat and scarf I gasped with delight. Swinging from a sturdy chain was a fiddling pirate! He's jointed. His bow moves across his fiddle when you shake him. He's about 4 inches tall and perfect!

He's a bit of a mystery man. He showed up in a plastic ziptop bag in the bottom of another bag and we think he may have belonged to her auntie but we're not sure so even if you misplaced him and you think  he is yours please don't tell Cal--she really wants to keep him. And he looks great with her.

XO Terez

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