Chez Terez Adornments

Feb 15, 2011

Sunset Scarf: Complete!

Sunset Scarf Warding Off 20 Degree Temps
I'm verrry pleased to share that I have been knitting through the six Un-Finished Objects I listed a few weeks ago:

1. Double Basket Weave Scarf (1/4 of the way done)
2. Sunset Scarf (1/3 of the way done)
3. Matt's Christmas Scarf (1/2 of the way done)
4. Candy Apple Red Watch Hat (4/5 of the way done)
5. Seawaves scarf (1/3+ of the way done)
6. Basket Weave Scarf (4/5 of the way done)

Oooh it feels good to use that strikethrough font!

Up above you'll see the most recent piece hot-off-the-needles: the Sunset Scarf. Originally I intended it to have some other shades of pink, as well as yellow and orange but when I was halfway through I just didn't like the way the colors were behaving, so I ripped them out. Four hours of work down the drain but I like the final result.

And no, I didn't make the hat (I wish!). I found that lovely little number on sale at LL Bean this weekend with HH for under $10.

Now I must find innerstrength and not:

1. buy anymore yarn until UFOs 1, 3 and 4 are complete
2. not cast on any more projects until UFOs 1, 3 and 4 are complete

I'll let you know how my resolve holds up.

Stay warm!

XO Terez

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